Saturday, April 4, 2009

Israel and America Part 2 イスラエルとアメリカ  その関係パート2

In my previous piece about Jewish people, I have detailed Jewish people persevered and survived under extreme persecution. Around the 1870, Jewish leaders of many nations throughout Europe decided the solution to their troubles was to recreate the historical nation of Israel. This philosophy is called Zionism.


These leaders pooled their resources and sent Jewish people to live and farm in the region of ancient Israel. At this time, it was a province of the Ottoman Empire. In the First World War, the area was conquered by Great Britain, and Jewish leaders saw this a great opportunity. With British help, they were able to greatly increase the number of Jewish settlements.


This created resentment with the Arabic people already living there, and riots resulted. To protect themselves, the Jewish settlers created a secret underground army called the Haganah.


Then came the Second World War, and the Holocaust. The Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler in Germany conquered most of Europe. One of the main points of the Nazi philosophy was that Jews were an international problem. The solution that the Nazi’s created was to destroy the Jewish people.


So the Nazi government created camps of death were Jewish people were taken to, and killed. Virtually without exception. Many countries cooperated enthusiastically with the Nazi’s in killing and arresting Jews, particularly France and Poland. Other countries, such as Denmark, where the Jewish people were smuggled into safety in Sweden, or Italy, did not cooperate. In Holland, people hid Jews from the Nazi’s, In Hungary the government allied with Germany refused to arrest Jewish people. It was not until Germany overthrew the Hungarian government in 1944 that Hungarian Jews were gathered and killed.


When the Allied armies over ran Germany in 1945, the survivors of the death camps were freed. All in all, some 6 million Jews, and 6 million other peoples, had been killed in the camps. For these Jewish survivors of the camps, there was only one thing to do. That was to create their own nation in the ancient territory of Israel.


After the Second World War, the countries of Europe were in chaos. Most of them did not have functioning governments. Instead, the only governing force was American or Russian military civil government. In this chaos, Jewish leaders began smuggling large numbers of death camp survivors into the British ruled territory of Palestine. The British tried to create a solution between the Arabs and Jews, and in 1948 the United Nations created two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in Palestine. The Arab people attacked Jewish towns, but by 1949, the Jewish won, and the State of Israel was created.

第二次世界大戦後、ヨーロッパの国々はとても混乱な状態に成りました 。ほとんどの国で活動出来る政府は有りませんでした。アメリカ、それともロシアの軍政府しか有りませんでした。この混乱で、ユダヤ人リーダー達はだんだん数多くのユダヤ人死の収容所生存者を、英国支配中パレスチナへ秘密に送りました。英国政府はアラビア人とユダヤ人問題に解決を創ると努力しましたが、1948年に国連でパレスチナで二つの国、一つはアラビア人、もう一つがユダヤ人、を創りました。アラビア人はユダヤ人の街を攻撃して、しかし、ユダヤ人が戦争に勝ちました。1949年、イスラエルと言う国が建国しました。

To be continued. 続きます。

In the next chapter, I will write about Israeli/Arab relations in the former territory of Palestine, and how Israeli’s can influence American politics and society.


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