Friday, January 20, 2012

日本、アメリカとイラン戦争 Japan, America, and a possible Iran war

I have been watching this possible war with Iran unfold over the past few weeks. America, and Europe, are doing all they can to pressure Iran. In the American Presidential race, candidates are having a competition to see who can be the most aggressive to launch a war with Iran.

And in fact, the United States, Britain, and Israel have been conducting a covert war in Iran of assassination and sabotage since the Bush administration.


Yet the American CIA says that Iran is not making a nuclear weapon, International agencies detect no evidence of Iran making a nuclear weapon.


Most Americans refuse to believe this.


And according to Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, the true goal of the Obama administration is to force the collapse of the Iranian government, by imposing sanctions.


Whenever the US government has tried to force governmental change, it has nearly always failed.


America has maintained sanctions against Cuba since 1962, the idea is to force collapse, the Cuban government is still there.


But President Obama does seem to be trying to keep tensions from going into all out war. He has cancelled a scheduled joint US/Israeli military exercise.

There is a lot of election year politics going on here, with the Republican Presidential candidates accusing President Obama of being weak against an enemy.


As America declines, they will enter a dangerous phase. They will desire to show they are still strong, and they do this by military means.


Americans are angry about not having won in Iraq. Or in Afghanistan. They say that they were not defeated.


It is true that America's military forces were not destroyed. However, they accomplished nothing in 8 years of war in Iraq. In fact, they created an ally of Iran. Saddam's Iraq was an enemy of Iran, now Iraq under Maliki is an ally of Iran.


If Iran is an enemy of America, this is a complete blunder.


To show their contempt of America, few Iraqi officials attended the withdrawal ceremony.


So after being humiliated in Iraq, Americans are very anxious to find a new enemy, somewhere they can prove the strength of American military power.


There are two candidates now to be targets of American anger, Iran and China.


America is recently making calculations that the United States could survive a closure of the straight of Hormuz. They believe that they can get enough oil from shale sources in the US, Canadian oil sands, undersea fields in the Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, and from the Alaskan arctic.


They believe that these sources of oil will allow the US to challenge Iran and China.

Well, what about Japan? If American action causes the straits of Hormuz to close, will they give us some oil? I doubt it, Americans really aren't thinking about Japan or Europe.


In any case, all of these areas are very difficult to exploit. A few years ago, there was a disaster in the Gulf of Mexico when an undersea BP well exploded. Developing the Brazilian fields will be expensive. Developing the tar sands and shale fields in America are expensive, and destroy fresh water supplies in a country facing massive drought.


And in any case, it is not certain how much oil actually exists in those undersea fields.


As usual, Americans are way too optimistic about their abilities, and the reality of the world. The only way to survive is to develop alternative energy, and to cut down on oil consumption.


America refuses to try.


Americans say that they have the military power to keep the straits of Hormuz open if Iran tries to close them.


I keep thinking of a war game in 2002, Millennium Challenge.

私はいつもこの2002年の戦争ゲーム”Millennium Challenge”を思い出します。

This game was supposed to prove the usefulness of American military strategy. Instead, it was a disaster. In this game "Blue" (America) issued an ultimatum to "Red"(Iran). The next day of the game, small boats of the Red Navy sank 17 ships of the Blue Navy by shooting a massive amount of cruise missiles. 1 Blue aircraft carrier, 10 Blue cruisers and destroyers, and 5 out of 6 amphibious landing vessels were sunk. If it had been a real war, 20,000 US sailors and Marines would have died in a few hours.


The planners of the game the stopped it, changed the rules to fit the version of war that they wanted, and to show that America would win.


However, when the game actually started, it accurately reflected on the capability of the Iranian Navy. They possess the small boats and missiles that could destroy an American fleet in the strait of Hormuz.


America refused to face reality in the game. Also, America refuses to face reality today in dealing with Iran, or China.


And again, Japan appears to be giving in to American pressure to stop buying oil from Iran. But America does not seem to care what damage will come to Japan.


I will tell you the truth. If America starts a war with Iran, Japan will lose ALL Middle Eastern oil. America and Israel desperately want a war with Iran. They also believe in the fantasy that they can win it, despite losing almost every war since Korea.


But why must Japan always follow America's orders, even when those orders harm Japan? It is shameful.


Russia and China will not follow American orders, they will buy Iranian oil and profit. The sanctions will fail.


Why must Japan suffer for American delusions?


Breaking news on this story. Israeli Intelligence. Mossad says there is no evidence that Iran is making a nuclear weapon. Israel Defense Minister Barak says there is no immediate Israeli plan to attack Iran.


Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan feels that President Obama has probably put behind the scenes pressure on the Israelis to calm things down. I agree.


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